Reborn baby doll MAIA 14 Preemie
Reborn baby doll MAIA is a 14 L. E Preemie weighing 2 1/2 lb. He is 149/500 world wide. In the photos you will find photos of him before rooting and now after he has hair skin tone may show differently on different monitors if it help he is a fair skin ivory baby , he has been micro rooted with fine thin Delta Dawns mohair that is very soft and infant like hair same with his lashes , hair has been glued on the inside of his head with a water proof strong holding glue , his hair does not pull out easy or fall out he has been tested for this but gently care is needed with all reborn rooted babies while brushing their or while they are being handled. He is a full limbed baby has complete easy movements with his limbs and head weighted with tiny glass beads throughout his body all in the right areas and stuffed with soft poly fill w/ a small scented bag in his body , he is held together with ultra thin zip ties. He has been painted a sealed with Genesis heat set products his paints do not rub or come off easy he has been tested for this to. He has a mild texture feel to his skin to help give that realistic look to his skin , he has moist areas in random areas over his body in the areas I most remember seeing on my daughter after she was born at his size , he has more noticeable undertones than the normal full term baby but it is not overwhelmingly done , he has no nail tips so he can have that paper thin nail look for under developed babies, he has glossing , veins , mottling , blushing , blemishes exc. All in the right areas. He can wear NB diapers , lg. Preemie and small NB clothing. This baby will come with diapers, clothing , receiving blanket , magnetic paci. Hospital band , COA , and feeding tube (WARNING) use medical tape to hold tube on his face at ur own risk any tape residue will come off and cause a shiny spot on your dolls cheek. Thank you so much for looking at him he is such a cutie. The item “Reborn baby doll MAIA 14 Preemie” is in sale since Friday, August 9, 2019. This item is in the category “Dolls & Bears\Dolls\Reborn\Reborn Dolls”. The seller is “christinloga57″ and is located in Springfield, Ohio. This item can be shipped to United States.
- Brand/Artist: Priscilla Lopez
- Doll Gender: Can Be Both
- Ethnicity: Caucasian
- Type: Preemie
- Material: Vinyl
- Doll Size: 14 in
- Features: Handmade
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