Anatomically, correct Reborn baby doll. Real crying, baby

Like new ready or not life-size baby doll. It’s great as a reborn or a child’s baby doll. You can also use it for teenagers as a an educational tool. This style would also be wonderful for the elderly with dementia or Alzheimer’s. This baby cries on its own and it’s up to the surrogate mom to figure out what the baby needs. Just like the ones you see on TV shows. My daughter only used it briefly so baby doll is in great condition. She is a girl and I think the doll is just absolutely adorable.. It looks just like a real newborn. It feels just like a real newborn in your arms. Basic Ready-or-Not Tot® looks like a real baby to people who encounter the student with the baby at the grocery store or the basketball game. Many students feel like they are being judged as a teen parent by the response of others and they tell us they don’t like it! This manikin cries at preselected intervals around the clock and the student must press a button to quiet it for a 10-minute tending time (no key required). When the 10-minute tending period is completed, the manikin cries and the student needs to push the button to start the sleep cycle. Improved manikin features eyes that are open and arms and legs that move so you can position the manikin in realistic poses. Fits in a car seat or infant carrier. (50 cm) long, 4 lbs. Manikin with movable head, arms, and legs. This parenting simulator is an educational tool and intended for students over 12 years of age. Requires three AA batteries (included).

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