1974 Mattel Baby Tender Love Bless You 14 Doll WithBottleOriginal BoxExcellent

A 1974 Mattel Baby Tender Love doll is a true treasure for collectors and enthusiasts. The 12-inch doll features blonde hair and blue eyes, with a light complexion and a Caucasian ethnicity. The back of her neck has a dark spot, see photos, the coloring of her body is a bit darker than her head, see photos. The set includes her original accessories, her baby bottle, Kleenex and her outfit, and comes in its original packaging (opened) and original INSTRUCTION SHEET! Please let me know. Perfect for fans of vintage baby dolls and the Baby Tender Love franchise, this item is in excellent condition and has been well-preserved over the years. Whether you’re looking to add to your collection or gift it to someone else, this doll is sure to bring joy and nostalgia to any recipient.

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