Reborn Replica PASCALE Baby Doll Infant Collectible With Box Opening

:Pascale is a Replica Reborn so there is no COA::? About Pascale? . Cloth body with powder wafers.

Posted in reborn and tagged baby, collectible, doll, infant, opening, pascale, reborn, replica by admin with comments disabled.
Reborn Baby Oskar Replica With Grand Box Opening

;Reborn Replica Oskar Baby with cute box opening:. What Oskar will come with. Cuddly stuffie night-time toy for bedtime routine. Extra goodies (surprise box opening items). Baby powder wafers in head and body.

Posted in reborn and tagged baby, grand, opening, oskar, reborn, replica by admin with comments disabled.
Reborn Replica Baby Doll Shaya 22 Inches

It is a replica THERE IS NO COA. Shaya is eagerly awaiting a forever Mommy. What he will bring home with him. 3 piece Jurrasic Park bedtime outfit with cute bib. 2 piece playtime shark outfit (shown I’m pic). Cute smile and oh those dimples. He is a really cute chunky baby. Magnet added to mouth. Heavy baby (can’t tell you how heavy exactly he wouldn’t fit on my scale).

Posted in reborn and tagged baby, doll, inches, reborn, replica, shaya by admin with comments disabled.
Reborn Sweet BABY DOLL Vivienne Collectable 17 inch infant replica Reborn

Vivienne reborn baby, Soft Silicone and Vinyl, was put together and weighted by me. Scented with wonder wafers {baby powder}. Comes with a yellow sunflower prop outfit and headband, however, the onesie will be traded out for a color that matches the outfit (pink was all we had at the moment and it’s my Granddaughters) and the bunny ear hat will not be included as it completes a separate outfit for a different baby. Note that when looking for a real reborn. This kit came prepainted and assembled and weighted by me. I just try to make cute affordable replicas for those of us who can’t afford the large ticket price of a true real born (artist made).

Posted in reborn and tagged baby, collectable, doll, inch, infant, reborn, replica, sweet, vivienne by admin with comments disabled.