Ooak reborn baby

Ooak reborn baby
Ooak reborn baby
Ooak reborn baby
Ooak reborn baby
Ooak reborn baby
Ooak reborn baby
Ooak reborn baby
Ooak reborn baby

Ooak reborn baby
Doll is handmade paint is sealed eyelashes are sealed has a magnet for a pacifier has wrinkly skin like a newborn baby approximately 21 inches and around 5 lb. This adorable reborn doll is a one-of-a-kind piece that will make a perfect addition to any doll collection. The doll features a Caucasian complexion, light skin tone, and no hair. It comes with a pacifier, outfit, and is made from vinyl, silicone, and cloth materials. The doll is handmade and has a unique design that makes it stand out from other reborn dolls. It is perfect for those who love babies and want to add a special touch to their doll collection. This OOAK reborn baby is a must-have for any doll enthusiast.
Ooak reborn baby

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