Reborn baby boy Jude Olga Auer sculpt 21 5lb14oz JosyNN Josy Newborn Nursery

J o s y N e w b o rn Nu r sery. Baby boy Jude will also be listed as baby girl Jude. He has been painted with many layers of realistic skin tones. He has realistic mottled skin, veins, creases, finger and toes nails, and hand rooted hair and eyelashes and an opened nose. He has a weighted soft doe suede cloth body, full limbs, a turnable head, weighted for that new baby flop for realism. Layette; nappy, vest, velour dungarees, bodysuit and blue stripe dungarees, knitted jacket, hat, socks and pram shoes, along with a sleepsuit and sleep sack, magnetic dummy and a baby blanket. He is not a toy but an adult’s collectors item, a strong magnet has been inserted for the dummy. Should be handled with all the care of a new born baby. An artist for many years, I take pride in bringing these lovely babies to life. Made in a pet and smoke free environment. All babies are packaged to make the most of the box opening experience. All babies sent tracked and signed for.

Posted in reborn and tagged 5lb14oz, auer, baby, josy, josynn, jude, newborn, nursery, olga, reborn, sculpt by admin with comments disabled.