Realborn Good Morning Sunny SOLD OUT Reborn Baby

Realborn Baby Good Morning Sunny is a big beautiful bundle of joy made handmade with love and care. This kit has full arms and legs, is 24 long, and wears 3-6 month sized clothes, some 6-9 and size 3 diapers. I have weighted her to be about 6lbs 5oz in all 5 limbs as well as her body for the most realistic feeling and movement. Her kit has was released in 2021 and has since been discontinued. This baby has been hand painted with Genesis Heat Set Paints, stuffed with polyfil and weighted with glass beads. My version of Sunny has carefully painted brown hair, and has been completed with fine painted baby brows, and high quality mohair was used to root her lashes. Her nails have been tipped with a delicate manicure, as well as glossed in appropriate places. All packed up for a beautiful box opening!

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