Ultra RARE SOLE Nikki Johnston Reborn BABY JACK AUTHENTIC COA Stunning DOLL

Jack is almost impossible to come across. Let alone find this beautiful. Jack weighs in at 6lbs 5oz.. Glass bead and silky poly stuffed for ultra real floppy newborn feel. He’s around 20 inches long and was photographed in different lighting for the best representation I could offer. My baby boy (or girl) comes with dark hand rooted angora mohair. Rooting is as is but I did this sweetie justice! He’s got all the high end details you’d find in prototype work. He has his certificate of authenticity. I added a magnet to his mouth for included pacifier and I also installed 2 magnets into his head for magnetic bows. Bows included but it’s very fun making your own as well match outfits! Baby is one of a kind And so rare you likely won’t come across him ever again for sale. He’s one of Nikkis favorite kits. Babies ears are pierced. No reserves or holds. First come first served.

Posted in ultra and tagged authentic, baby, doll, jack, johnston, nikki, rare, reborn, sole, stunning, ultra by admin with comments disabled.