Realborn Felicity for Adoption by Bountiful Baby

This is Happy Gumdrops presenting a Realborn Felicity Asleep by Bountiful Baby. I did not sculpt this doll. I have used GHS or Genesis heat set paints for a long time however now that it is discontinued, I had to work on new painting techniques. I hope you will love him/her and give her a nice new home. Paint: GHS, XODUS heat set mix with BC varnish and mediums. Technique: Layered and heat sealed with BC heat set varnish. Details: This doll is a brown skin Bi-racial skin tone and has mottling, blushing, veining, painted eyebrows in dark brown color, dark brown rooted eyelashes, dark brown painted combi hair, half rooted with dark brown mohair, painted nails with half moons, 3D undertones and creasing, weighted with glass beads in a doe suede cloth body. I believe this baby is about 4lbs. Coming Home Package: This baby will travel home to you with a COA, a birth certificate, 1 sleeper, 1 outfit, 1 modified pacifier, 1 pair of socks and a blanket. The clothing size will be between newborn and 0-3 months. Please be aware that you may have quite a bit of packaging materials to dispose of unless you wish to upcycle the materials. I do apologize in advance but I would like you to have a nicely wrapped doll without damage. As always, thank you for taking the time to view this baby doll and I hope you will take a look at some of my other hand painted works. Please message me with any questions. Have a blessed and wonderful day and Happy Holidays!

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