Reborn Baby, rooted hair, newborn, 4/4 arms and legs, upper torso detail

This beautiful bundle of joy has a peaceful sleeping expression and adorable curly hair. This baby is about 19.5 inches long, has full legs and full arms, and the lower torso is cloth to keep it simple for gendering this baby or gifting it to a responsible child. The vinyl is very soft and the original artist (Dianna Matthews) has weighted the baby so well, even the hands and feet had weighing sand in them. This baby has been kept in a display case in a non-smoking home and away from any 2-legged or 4-legged children. The photos taken with the pink background were taken in the afternoon sun with an iPhone. The other photos were taken with indoor lighting and a Sony camera. NO EDITS were applied to any photos to keep the colors of this doll the closest to how they look like in person. The doll comes with the pacifier and onesie you see him photoed with. The elephant stuffed animal is a prop and will not be included. That is a perk about this doll, what you see is the end price!

Posted in reborn and tagged arms, baby, detail, hair, legs, newborn, reborn, rooted, torso, upper by admin with comments disabled.