Beautiful Reborn Baby Girl Kelsey Realborn Lifelike Reborn Baby Doll

Beautiful Reborn Baby Girl Kelsey Realborn Lifelike Reborn Baby Doll. Beautiful reborn baby girl Kelsey Realborn. Hello everyone, and welcome to this sweet reborn baby’s listing! I created this little one from the Realborn Kelsey (asleep) sculpt, and she has vinyl head and limbs with a cloth torso. Body, head, and limbs are weighted with tiny glass beads for a lifelike feel. The head has been left slightly floppy just like a newborn baby. She is 3 lbs 14 oz and approximately 16.5 inches. She wears preemie sized clothing. She has carefully been painted with many layers of GHSP and sealed. Her lashes were rooted and her hair is painted. Please note: This doll has small parts and is intended for a collector not for small kids. She also has two magnets inside her head; one for her magnetic hair bow and one for magnetic pacifier. She will be arriving home in the clothes as shown in the picture as well as an extra bodysuit, magnetic pacifier, baby blanket, magnetic hair bow, and Realborn certificate of authenticity. Thank you for you interest in my listing. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

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