Sibling Pair Of 26 Italian FIBA Vinyl Doll Boy and Girl Limited Edition

This lovely pair of dolls are from F. I. B. I have looked into the FIBA collection and I must say that this pair is more attractive than most. You will see FIBA’s attention to detail in the gallery. These vinyl dolls are more friendly than cold, fragile porcelain. Vinyl dolls are meant to handled; however, I believe these dolls sat most of their time in a closet. That must be why they are in mint condition. I obtained them through an estate sale. The only defects I found were the ribbon color bleeding onto the boy’s shirt and there was glue on his cap. Also, the girl’s dress was destroyed. So I bought a new dress for her. These dolls have a structured vinyl head, arms, legs, and torso. Underneath the torso is a stuffed cloth body leading down to the stuffed bottom. These dolls have been loved are cared for in my smoke and pet free home. The dolls were thoroughly cleaned including their clothes. Includes: Dolls, outfits, rocking chair, and doll stand.

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